How To View Revenue By Page Path And Screen Class

Understanding Revenue by Page Path and Screen Class in Google Analytics 4

Analyzing revenue by page path and screen class is crucial for understanding which parts of your website and app are generating the most income. This analysis helps identify your most valuable content, optimize your conversion funnel, and make data-driven decisions about website and app development. We'll show you how to create this report in Google Analytics 4 to track performance across both web and app platforms.

Basic Report Structure

  • Primary dimension: Page path and screen class
  • Secondary dimensions: Page title
  • Metrics: Revenue, transactions, average order value
  • Visualization: Table format with optional bar chart
  • Segments: Web traffic and app traffic

Steps to Create the Report

  1. Open GA4 and navigate to Explore section
  2. Click the Blank template to start a new exploration
  3. Under the Dimensions click the + button and search for Page path and screen class, Page title, check the checkbox beside them and click Confirm
  4. Under the Metrics click the + button and search for Total revenue, Transactions, and Average purchase revenue, check the checkbox beside them and click Confirm
  5. Drag Page path and screen class to the Rows section
  6. Drag Total revenue, Transactions, and Average purchase revenue to the Values section
  7. Add Page title as a secondary dimension by dragging it below Page path and screen class in the Rows section
  8. Set your desired date range in the report settings
  9. Optional: Create segments for web and app traffic for comparison

Important Dimensions and Metrics

  • Page path and screen class: Shows the URL path for web pages and screen name for app screens
  • Page title: Provides context about the content of each page
  • Total revenue: Shows total income generated from each page/screen
  • Transactions: Number of completed purchases from each page/screen
  • Average purchase revenue: Average order value for transactions on each page/screen

Actionable Insights

  1. Identify your highest-revenue generating pages and optimize similar pages using the same content structure and layout
  2. Compare web versus app revenue performance to guide platform investment decisions
  3. Analyze pages with high average order values to understand what drives larger purchases
  4. Review low-performing pages with similar content to high performers to identify optimization opportunities
  5. Use the insights to inform your content strategy and prioritize updates to high-value pages

Answers Similar Questions

  1. How to see which pages make the most money in GA4
  2. Track revenue by URL in Google Analytics 4
  3. Compare web and app revenue by page in GA4
  4. GA4 page path revenue tracking guide
  5. How to analyze page performance by revenue in Google Analytics

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