How To View Users By Item Category

Understanding User Behavior by Item Category in Google Analytics 4

Analyzing users by item category is crucial for understanding customer preferences and shopping patterns. This insight helps optimize inventory management, improve merchandising strategies, and enhance the overall shopping experience. We'll show you how to create this essential report in Google Analytics 4 to better understand which product categories attract and engage your users.

Basic Report Structure

  • Report Type: Free Form Exploration
  • Primary Dimension: Item Category
  • Secondary Dimensions: User Demographics
  • Key Metrics: User Count, Views, Purchases
  • Visualization: Table format with optional bar chart

Steps to Create the Report

  1. Open GA4 and navigate to Explore section
  2. Click the Blank template to start a new exploration
  3. Under the Dimensions click the + button and search for Item Category, User ID, and Country, check the checkboxes beside them and click Confirm
  4. Under the Metrics click the + button and search for Total Users, Views, Item Views, and Item Purchase Quantity, check the checkboxes beside them and click Confirm
  5. Drag Item Category to the Rows section
  6. Drag Total Users, Item Views, and Item Purchase Quantity to the Values section
  7. Add a filter to exclude "(not set)" values from Item Category
  8. Set your desired date range in the report settings
  9. Optional: Add a bar chart visualization by clicking the "+" icon in the Tabs section

Important Dimensions and Metrics

  • Item Category: Primary dimension showing product category groupings
  • User ID: Helps identify unique users across sessions
  • Country: Geographical distribution of users
  • Total Users: Number of unique users per category
  • Item Views: How many times items in each category were viewed
  • Item Purchase Quantity: Number of items purchased from each category

Actionable Insights

  1. Identify top-performing categories to inform inventory decisions and marketing focus
  2. Compare view-to-purchase ratios across categories to spot conversion optimization opportunities
  3. Analyze geographical trends in category popularity to guide regional marketing strategies
  4. Use user engagement patterns to improve category placement and visibility on your site
  5. Identify underperforming categories that might need better promotion or retirement

Answers Similar Questions

  1. How to track product category performance in GA4
  2. Google Analytics 4 item category user analysis
  3. GA4 product category user behavior report
  4. Track users by product category Google Analytics
  5. GA4 category performance by user report

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